The Geology Concentration
B.S. in Environmental Earth and Soil Sciences: Geology Concentration
The Geology Concentration of the B.S. degree in Environmental Earth & Soil Sciences provides a complete course of study in geology.
The curriculum will qualify your educational background to pursue Professional Geologist Licensure in the workplace (other work experience requirements exist) as well as qualify you for graduate programs in geology or other aspects of earth sciences.
To pursue the geology concentration, incoming students apply to the Environmental Earth and Soil Sciences B.S. program (EESS) and select the Geology Concentration.
Students already in the general EESS program can select to pursue the Geology Concentration at any time.
Geology Concentration: 2022-26 Catalog
To see the entire Geology Concentration and B.S. in Environmental Earth and Soil Sciences curriculum as a downloadable PDF document, please click HERE.
Geology Concentration Specific Courses
Please see the spreadsheet below:
Gateway to the Geology Concentration
The key to taking the upper-division geology courses (see above spreadsheet) courses is completion of the following (ideally in the first two years):
GEOL 201 (Physical Geology) and GEOL 241 (Physical Geology Laboratory)
ERSC 223 (Rocks and Minerals) and SS 120 (Soil Science)
MATH 141/142 (Calculus I and II), PHYS 141 (Physics I), and STAT 218